Expert on Gender and Diaspora – International Organization for Migration – Nairobi

Nature of the consultancy:
To provide expertise in exploring/mapping how Diaspora (Women and Men) in the private sector, in selected countries of origin, use their skills, knowledge, resources and networks to lead and support humanitarian and development efforts in times of crises & beyond. (EHOA countries).
The consultant will also facilitate the formation of partnerships between diaspora (women and men) leaders in the private sector, local business communities, and relevant organizations, NGOs, and Government under the overall umbrella of the RMFM TWG on “Gender, Diaspora and Private sector engagement”.
Under the direct supervision of the Senior Regional Specialist on Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion/BRMM Senior Regional Coordinator and in close collaboration with BRMM Regional Program Management Office, BRMM Country Focal Persons in the selected countries, the overall supervision of the Regional Director, the consultant will have the responsibility for the following duties:

Tangible and measurable outputs of the work assignment
To categorize key profiles of diaspora (men and women) engaged in humanitarian and development initiatives in times of crises & beyond in their countries of origin
To map out the unique skills and strengths that diaspora women and men in key activtiies in countries of origin bring to the table and how they can be leveraged to lead humanitarian and development initiatives in their countries of origin.
To explore good practices and exsiting knowledge cross-sector collaboration and partnership between diaspora associations and governments in coutnries of origins to maximize the impact of humanitarian and development efforts in times of crisis.
To explore ways to bridge the gap between policy and practice and ensure that the needs and perspectives of diaspora women and migrants in coutnries of origin are considered in humanitarian and development initiatives in times of crises & beyond.
To co-facilitate the “Diaspora Women and private sector led humanitarian and development Action in times of crises” workshop under the overall umbrella of the RMFM TWG on Gender, Diaspora and Private sector and propose an action plan to formulate partnerships between diaspora women leaders, local communities, and relevant organizations, NGOs, and Government in countries of origin.
Performance indicators for the evaluation of results
The consultancy will take place during the period of 1 May 2023 – 30 June 2023. The mapping report containing all its elements, chapters and annexes shall be finalized and presented to IOM EHOA RO by or before 21 June 2023.
Introduction and consultation with selected/targetes countries
Methodological inception report including background, guiding questions for desk review, stakeholder interviews and detailed work plan. (TBD)
Desk Review and Data Collection – transcript and preliminary analysis for the report
Developing first draft report and circulating to IOM for feedback
Developing an action plan to formulate partnership between diaspora women leaders, private sector, local communities, and relevant organizations, NGOs, and Government
Present the findings and the draft action plan at the Diaspora Women led humanitarian and development Action in times of crises workshop
Incorporating feedback from workshop participants and IOM staff and finalize the action plan and the report

Masters and/or higher degree in international business, international relations, social sciences, law, or migration studies.
Experience in conducting mapping and research related to gender diversity, entrepreneurship, diaspora and private sector engagement
Experience working with government institutions and international or non-governmental organizations , academic institutions supporting gender, private sector and development work
Practical experience in the field of private sector engagement
Excellent knowledge of private sector dynamics and at least 5-years experience in conducting research and mapping on private sector related issues.
Knowledge of contemporary developments in private sector engagement
knowledge on organizational mandates as well as interagency cooperation platforms on migration and private sector engagement;knowledge on the UN system is desirable.

Excellent ability in writing mapping reports
Required: Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of East and Horn of Africa languages, French or any other UN Official language is advantageous.

Method of Application
Interested candidates should submit CV and a cover letter indicating the Call for Application Number (CFA No.), Position Title and the Duty Station with three professional referees (supervisors) and their contacts (both email and telephone) to:
CLOSING DATE: 06 April 2023
